MFCC Charity #5
June 1, 2017 - December 1, 2017
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa
June 1 2017 - December 1 2017
Since 1970, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa has been creating strong relationships between Bigs and Littles. We’re incredibly proud of how we’ve been able to grow to offer a variety of programs for all children. By changing the course of young lives, we know that we can change the course of a community’s future.
Mentors in our programs are role models that teach by example. The importance of giving and giving back, education, respect for family, peers, and the community are all taught through these life-changing friendships.
The transformation of a child into a confident, concerned, and motivated young person is truly something amazing. Our staff and volunteers take incredible pride in not only the role they play, but in how these children step into their own.
As a national organization, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada is the country’s leading child and youth mentoring charity. For one hundred years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has used mentoring programs to make a positive difference in the lives of our nation’s youth. Life-changing relationships enable and empower children and youth to reach their potential as individuals and citizens. Over 42,000 children and youth were mentored in 2016.
By giving just a couple hours of your week, you can help a child succeed. The difference when volunteering with BBBSO (instead of with another organization that helps children) is that we seek volunteers who are committed and consistent.
Although we ask for a minimum of a one year commitment from our mentors, we hope Bigs keep mentoring their Littles until they turn 18, at which time the match graduates. By mentoring a child up until they graduate, your support can help kids by:
Motivating them to stay in school;
Encouraging them to avoid risky behaviour; and
Experience first-hand the importance of helping others in the community.
Want to know more? 613-247-4776 or